I truly have some with me right now. 92000 shitheads who have half assed their whole life. Vitamin D reduces the risk of death from COVID-19. Right. I was like, how do I get out here? Yeah. But, man, you know, I think just like got the guy's house I was doing and I was trying to impress them. So I was like, I don't want to use fluoride toothpaste anymore. It doesn't do much for the common cold, but when you take two grams, it can help. And so the type of antibodies were identified. There we go. They either increase or decrease it a lot of times with like hormones, you know, vitamins, things like that. As you mentioned, there is you know, you don't want to take too much vitamin D, you don't want to like, you know, overdose on it. View originating episode Attend Monthly Q&As with Rhonda Support our work The FoundMyFitness Q&A happens monthly for premium members. Intro. But I was training every day and doing, you know, I was doing so like I do some, like, ballet stuff, you know, but like I need to do resistance training, like muscle mass is important. But there's studies now showing that it regulates what's called neuroplasticity, which is like the ability, like your brain, your brain changes, you know, with the changing environment. Yeah, it's just next door much. So there's like cross immunity happening between these other viruses. That's that's also why. I do, but I try not to. Oh, pull it up, Jamie. And it's like a big show. I'll show how it works before. You get your plasma levels of vitamin C up to 90, you take five hundred. Yeah. Dr. Rhonda Patrick is an American biochemist who has done vast amounts of research on nutrition, supplementation, aging, cancer, and overall health. It is. It does help if you have some equipment in your house. Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) as a COVID-19 treatment? But what is known is that people with type of blood are are less susceptible to contracting covid-19 that's that's definitely known. They're twenty seven percent less likely to have pneumonia after correcting for. Vitamin C Rhonda has also mentioned she frequently uses the vitamin D brand Life Extension. Like what's happening in vitamin D deficient? Yeah. There's been seasons, right? I need to go to hospital. So our sauna is like it's pretty small. Right. I bet you was the same because they like do the same protocol and this was like to 10 or to 20. First of all, there's a machine called reverse hyper. In other words, like, you have to go back a week later and see if they have symptoms because that that's really important. The study started at six months and they chewed this side. And I just I don't know. It was shown also be that with sars-cov-2 one and it's involved with clotting. Light coming in, and I didn't I wasn't I didn't live in a place that was like I could just go outside and frolic, you know, so. You're not adjusting and adapting to the numbers, the mortality numbers, too, because they're way lower than they were before. It was like what you were in twenty twenty now. Go to legalzoom.com to get started on a last will, a living trust and more. And this is one of the main things that I wanted to talk to you about. So you can see 10 grams is like in 10 grams is 10000 milligrams. And the reason for that, scientists think, is because basically. So it seems to me the sweet spot you know, and I've been doing it every single day of the quarantine because I have a song in my house. But they're in there for like an hour, you know, and they're getting they raised their core body temperature. In the Indonesia was a really interesting study where, like, they measured vitamin D and this was measured in the patients. Someone might have done that study. Rhonda Perciavalle Patrick has a Ph.D. in biomedical science from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis TN, and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN. But test people. Thank you. Some of their son is there in Finland. Especially in the winter when it's actually cold. Well, here, like the the there's been some really interesting data looking at like in there's in the Philippines and Indonesia. You don't you know you don't know them. What did they do before where they were saying they cut it, they wouldn't let them? This study determined vitamin D provides protection for infections of the respiratory tract. So when when shit goes wrong, they fix it. He's like, fuck yeah. It has to be something you can just, you know, do it when you need to find a trainer, just find someone that can I mean, you can learn a lot online, but you have access to resources. So you mean by how many times you've caught the flu, how many times you've whether you're actually going to it, how you respond to it, you know? So I think vitamin D really is the is the star. So what is the benefit of it being that hot, though? And in fact, because the zinc is bound to fight weight, it's less bioavailable. But so in areas where people are going to be exposed, perhaps you could give it to them and it would stop them from getting. It was like I could just I'm like, yeah, it's like having someone that snores is like, you can't sleep. Well when I do squats for sure, any time I do lunges and squats and heavy leg days, I'm a zombie for two days and like if I have a particularly intellectually challenging podcast I'll skip leg days because I know I'm just going to be too stupid. Sign up for an annual subscription and receive an additional 15% discount. I hope you got some good information on this. Wonderful. Someone like someone asked me about the elderberry. She didn't figure this out. You're having your discs or protruding and your disc. Did you know that it actually mimics exercise like literally like that's been shown. The bottom line is on honesty, that's intravenous. Yeah, it's really it's so horrible. Like, that is not the case. Yeah. So they have the ability to tell 40 million people what they can and can't do, make that a little larger so I can read this. Their levels were 50 percent higher over baseline and which is great. Popcorn. So there's because they're releasing people, especially California, which is so wacky, they're releasing sex offenders. We really have to make sure that we have water purification. Oysters, that red meat, poultry. Vitamin Katou usually stays around the periphery, doesn't really go to the liver. It's like so taxing. She goes into the guest room to sleep, like after they go to bed because she can't sleep like it's really bad. Like if you have a herniation of the disc or if you have a bulging disc, it's pushing against your nerve. Man, I think you've got to have the option. Yes I think so. I really appreciate it. And it's it is just hard to get them motivated to go exercise. That's not what I did. Oh, can I, can I exploit rock pools. I think that that seems like a good compromise. Yeah, for Jamie, can you pull up filmi fitness and there's a vitamin C topic page so that we I can answer that question better because there's just there's a graph if you just like scroll to the graph, there's like all this is on your website, which tell everybody I found my fitness dotcom vitamin C or episode page of the podcast. Certain things will spike it worse than others. Yeah, it is horrible. But I most of the time constantly where it's sometimes because it only it's like the sensor lasts for ten days and have to change it and sometimes I like forget it and a couple of days go by and then I start like eating the pomegranate because my son loves that. Multivitamin So they become like, you know, you get like a higher viral load and then you don't have antibodies to neutralize it. You're not getting real sleep because you're constantly being woken up and shocked into the state of like, no, it's really bad. So I got my data back pretty, pretty recent and I still hover around 50 nanograms per ml, even though before I was taking 4000 it didn't. They're they maintain homeostasis, you know what I mean? It's very noticeable. Yeah. You can't manage that, right? It's like like it's like my my teeth get dirtier. It's like, OK, this is not my field. I was trying to figure that out as well because like the tuberculosis, tuberculosis, one of the types of vaccines they do for TB, I think they do it in like Japan and some other countries where they've got a really low death rate. I'm like, bro, I so I did that 200. Every other week premium members receive a special edition newsletter that summarizes all of the latest healthspan research. Promoting strategies to increase healthspan, well-being, cognitive and physical performance through deeper understandings of biology. I don't know. Autoimmunity But like, I want to get her to do that because like any you know, any cardiovascular improvement is going to help her, is going to help her her, you know, all cause mortality that's been shown, you know, four to seven times a week, 40, 40 percent lower, all cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, 50 percent lower. Yeah, that sounds like too much. What should I do. I mean, he's talked about it before and lots of other researchers have studied this. But I do think that there's there's promise, particularly for some treatments. The infrared scanners are like they're like changing electrons. So it's not like damaging your own cells. Do you Saana. I was like, I'm killing you bitches and killing all you dirty viruses. I just. People are more likely to make change when like you can't like if something they have to be motivated to make the change themself or just otherwise it doesn't work, you know. It's insane. And so as a protective mechanism to not get burned, you have melanin which protects you. Yeah. So we went to hospital. And we'll have to start slowly because you have to adapt. Yeah. CPF alternative. I could do this, but it was it was pretty intense. I mean stuff goes wrong. So, yeah, that gene that it's known to lower, it lowers it leads to lower vitamin D levels. I think they call it like first they first of all, they call it sauna, sauna and they call it weird. Does it help, does it help your sleep. The sky is falling. I have like I've been to to Rick Rubin's house and we've done like it was like 200 and something. But here's the other interesting thing is that if you don't take it multiple times throughout the day, you only take it once. And I was like, how about cavities? There's something mood enhancing. Solid do it basically four or five days a week. Most of these studies are about a month. So you you want to get at least 10 grams. Like, you know, I've just I've got like a bad oral microbiome or something that I've just for four years or I don't know, I shouldn't have cavities because I don't eat sugar. So like adults, like it reduces the common cold, like two grams can do something like twenty, reduce the duration by twenty percent or something in children's emergency. Yet. So my tongue slides. If you don't wear it, do you snore? So it does make sense, but I don't. Yeah, for sure. Pressure is in Tarzana. I was like so put off with the toxins stuff like it's funny because the sauna like that's like the one like four years, like all the benefits about slanderer, always about toxins. The world has finally begun to realize doctors are not filled with infinite knowledge. Seventy percent of the people would get like symptoms ranging from fever, you know, cough and all the influenza, you know, flu symptoms. Yeah. It happened more than once. Louis Simmons invented it because he had a herniated disc and the doctors are telling him, hey, we have to operate on you because you have this compressed disc. Ascorbic acid is the oxidized form and hydrogen peroxide is generated, which is really interesting because it's one of the mechanisms by which at least it's thought that intravenous vitamin C kills cancer cells. Attend live or listen in our exclusive member-only podcast The Aliquot. Yeah, what what dose do you recommend for intravenous vitamin C? Like, I don't think that's odd. But it's like small quantities and like do you ever get concerned from the high volume of leafy greens you have conservative oxygenates or getting kidney stones or anything along those lines? And then, but then I took a step back. Yeah, he had us do this like there was like two tents and and it was a conference that I gave a talk at. So your body sort of develops its own ability to absorb more vitamin. So it's like meat and vegetables, like, you know, my meals don't get me over one hundred for sure. But I'm not even saying preventative. I be here forever. And this was like a big problem for the RSV vaccine back in the you know, like most kids get RSV, it's a respiratory tract infection. There's a hot bath study where they also elevated wasn't quite as high, but it was like, you know, 40 or so percent higher than baseline levels and it was 104 degrees. So I always think about, oh, the senescent melanocytes site is like creating all this pro inflammatory stuff that's now. They're measuring that rectally. Well the dark bottles better watch because it doesn't ferment in the sun as well. I've gotten so much better at it. But you do you do sweat out certain compounds like aluminum, aluminum, like it's funny that you can actually excrete certain compounds better from sweat than urine, because that's another way of eliminating things through urine. They've shown that like, you know, two grams is better than one gram for for like reducing the duration of the common cold, two grams better than one. Oh we did. OK, so there we go. Sure. But now I've been able to run that last hill. After hot yoga. The FoundMyFitness Q&A happens monthly for premium members. Well, yeah, but yeah. Yeah. Right. Yes. I know what it's like. No control group, self diagnosing, more than half of the people didn't return for a second check up and many more questionable stuff. but IV vitamin C is for therapeutic treatment, IV vitamin C is routinely used for sepsis and has been shown to reduce mortality of sepsis patients, especially in combination with thiamine, IV vitamin C has also been shown to improve outcomes for cancer patients and plays a role in fat oxidation, When taken orally, there is a saturation level so once you go above that you excrete a lot in urine but if you look at plasma levels, youre still increasing, Its not something you do daily, its more for a purpose such as fighting the common cold; somewhere between once per week and once per month, Rhonda was receiving once per week prior to shutdown, Zinc is important for immune function and has been shown to dramatically decrease duration of common cold, Zinc is readily available in meat and poultry so there isnt a lot of zinc immune deficiency in the US but vegetarians are more prone to zinc deficiency, Quercetin is actually known to have antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-1, Quercetin has been identified as a possible compound that can clean out senescent cells (non-functioning cells that secrete cytokines and things that age in cells), A lot of studies looking at children that are asymptomatic, symptomatic, uninfected, Children that are asymptomatic are shedding as much virus as children that are symptomatic and adults that are symptomatic, Joe regularly tests himself and tests everyone that goes into the studio, The cloth mask is to prevent you from spreading, not necessarily as protective against breathing in droplets, If youre asymptomatic, a cloth mask will help in preventing spread, Studies showed that women who chew xylitol gum during pregnancy improve the microbiome of their mouth and have children with lower incidence of. So, you know, and then there was another study that was like some other messed up diabetic animal model where the vitamin D actually didn't increase the ace to receptor, but it increased what's called soluble ace to which is in like it's in the periphery. And so it's part of the adaptation process as well, you know, being able to handle the heat stress. Jesus Christ. So the sauna, I know of one study where people that sat in a hundred and sixty three degree Fahrenheit sauna for 30 minutes had Heacock proteins. Watch the sunrise or sunset. Yeah. But TMJ is, what am I saying, the right thing. But, you know, they had to be doing it for like at least three months. But right now, when you put the vitamin D, I mean, I'm just so like. - 1 capsule/day Vitamin D - Thorne Research D3 - 5,000 IU/day Magnesium - Pure Encapsulations Magnesium Glycinate - 120mg/day Fish Oil - N-PURE-3 - 4 grams/day (currently unavailable, alternative: Carlson Maximum Omega) Rhonda Patrick's Additional Regular Vitamins & Supplements: But I think until that until that point, I do think that things will be identified that just kind of help us like deal with this, like better, you know, what is going on with blood types. Ropin. Like, why can't you wear a swimsuit? Because vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and it's less it's been shown to be 50 percent less bioavailable. But you have to measure your levels. The Joe Rogan Experience #1178 - Dr. Rhonda Patrick. But I just think the data strong. So, like, what if there's, I don't know, the CMB, you know, percentage there, but what if the coronaviruses are going around there? And so there some people paid extra to like go to this event that. So they had to stay in there for an hour. Oh look. What kind of a timeline do you think they have for something like this? The water is cold. Look, I have conversations with good friends all the time and even on the podcast where I disagree with them. Yeah. Right? And there's this link between I published a link also between vitamin D and autism. So so then I found out I was pregnant and so I was like, OK, well, I can't go back to the dentist. Where did Dr Rhonda Patrick go to school? In that case, you might also like the FoundMyFitness podcast (also available on Spotify ), which features many great interviews with Rhonda's favorite heroes of science, exploring the frontier of human healthspan. You know, that is such a crazy number. That's crazy. I think one of the strains, it was like they could do a certain dose, like ten to the seven in tissue culture or whatever units were. Ninety proof Franklin County, Kentucky, Buffalo Trace, American family owned and fiercely independent. You end up having less A2, which causes like can cause severe lung injury. Yes, it is. You get a room full of people. Popcorn. But it didn't affect any of the good bacteria in the mouth. I'm always happier during warmer and sunnier months. That's untenable. Chemist at something. In this episode, I talk about how Joe Rogan recently lashed out at the agricultural scientist Kevin Folta when Kevin discussed an alternative interpretation of the scientific data that was different t. - Listen to Joe Rogan LASHES OUT at Kevin Folta about Monsanto's glyphosate, gets DEBUNKED by Rhonda Patrick's mentor by The Kevin Bass Show instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no . Like it's not the same at all as before that was known. Leg presses. You know, like at the time he just thought it was some like a little like whatever that's called chest. So it stretches the spine out and decompresses it and it gives you a lot of relief. Erm you know, you just whatever random place and grab the vitamin. If they use this on a four to seven times a week, they're 40, 41 percent less likely to come out the after correcting for socioeconomic status, physical activity, cholesterol, lung, you know, smoking, COPD like asthma, all those like, you know, lung disorders. There's like there's some kind of term where, like, women get like like what's that periodontitis or gingivitis. Well, maybe a Bitcoin cash app is also the easiest way to buy and sell Bitcoin. It actually has a sleep coach built in. You know, so that's that's also another. They're fools, but they're in a position to influence millions and millions of people. I hate that it is so terrible. So it's not like the common cold is the illness you get, but there's lots of different viruses that can cause it. There's a reason why I want to talk about this. It's associated with high blood pressure, heart attacks, the risk of all sorts of ailments. You're excreting more, too. But like like biology is always way more complicated than just a simple taking it out of a big picture. Yeah. I love their rubs, their Saskatchewan blackened rub. But the the reverse hyper. I know she still does. Sunshine=summer, you are active, use your calories etc. And doctors, they varied in how they approached it. One eighty, one eighty is great. I mean, you know, so so, of course I want to believe it, you know, but like, there was this interesting study where African-Americans who are very deficient in vitamin D, they were given a vitamin D supplement for like a month and it decreased their epigenetic age by like two years.