). Keeping the light on. I am also a gamma indiego. What Is An Indigo Child Or Crystal Child? As precocious truth tellers, child and adult indigos cant help but see through the bullshit facades of other people and expose them. Remember how Nancy Ann Tappe called herself a synesthete? Needed to question, "Why?" Our nectar is found in a different flower though, Im not going to claim what I am, I know I am unique and freakishly good at everything I have a go at mastering tasks in an extremely quick timing. Indigo children want to understand everything. If you feel a certain way honor it as you would for your best friend. You easily get scared by horror movies. Thanks! When you Google the term, there are lots of websites to help you diagnose your child. Let me know in the comments! Many Indigo children are also quite psychic. So trying to remain calm i just said it was probably his daddy watching over us. It was this aura-sensing and not the actualmeaning of synesthesia, which is much cooler on account of actually being proven to exist that she was using the word to describe. Is your child frustrated with ritual-oriented systems that require little creativity? Characteristics of Indigo Children Strong willed and stubborn Have problems with authority Intuitive, often psychic Creative and unafraid of trying something new Lacks patience, often gets frustrated Despite being a rebel, they need clear boundaries and structure while growing up Can be insecure Often diagnosed as ADD, ADHD Your challenge is to let your years catch up to you. If you have found any comfort, support or guidance in our work, please consider donating: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I'd like to receive your latest weekly newsletter! I have had good & bad contact me in my mind & i recall at times feeling so drained afterwards. It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. We are here. Youre welcome to email me.if it shows and I will help you figure out why you are feeling this way. Thank you. My meditations have become so intense at times that they scare me, the sounds that I hear and the things that flash in my minds eye are inexplicable. I am a writer, a Reiki practitioner, and strangers often ask me for spiritual help. Do you have any suggestions on what an Omega might need to assist with the future? In their definitive book on the Indigo Children, Lee Carroll and Jan Tober provide the following definition: "The Indigo Child is a boy or girl who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before. There were many reasons for that, not least of which was improved diagnosis and more easily available drugs a number of patents for mental health treatments happened to run out in the early 2000s, making them suddenly a hell of a lot cheaper for those who needed them. Yes, there are. Indigo children are known for their incredible imaginations. However, without forgetting love. You honor truth above all, and even though it hurts sometimes, youd rather cope with it than believe lies. Very few will get it anyway. Both of them, too, have much more precise definitions than that of the indigo child diagnosis, which as weve seen can apply to just about any kid at some point in their life. Curious - Indigo Children are also very inquisitive, curious and perhaps even cautious. Maybe you just know someone who is part of the Indigo generations. i think i have been really mindswiped for a reason. Indigo children are light-bearers who are driven by the sole purpose in life: to awaken humanity. Deep in your heart, you feel a driving force to create positive change on this planet. I hear my song in all music. You are very confident in yourself and know that you were brought to this world for a reason. One of the characteristics of the fourth generation isthe pure indigo color of the aura. Just know that you should always trust your intuition and everything that you face and see was just meant for you. Their aura was seen as dark blue and green with purple shades. By the way, indigo children arent the only people to be so diagnosed. Many indigo children are teachers in different capacities because it is a role that suits them and helps them fulfill their life goals efficiently. Did you like music and art even if your potential in those areas was never fully reached? The nature of indigo children is very unique. The Answer Will SurpriseYou, The Romantic Comedy You Should Watch This Valentines Day, Based On Your ZodiacSign, How Narcissists Use Dog Whistling To Covertly Abuse You: Signs Of This Dangerous ManipulationMethod, 3 Reasons Youre Still Single, And What To Do AboutIt, Are You There God? 14. If youre an old soul who feels a strong and profound urge to create change in society, you are likely an indigo child. Tip: Adult Indigos dislike hierarchical systems and embrace self-reliance. Enlightened teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti sums up the indigo childs philosophy when he writes. The traits often put them at loggerheads with people who do not understand their nature and their quest for change. Do not be afraid of the society rise up! Indigo children are a new generation of gifted children blessed with supernatural abilities. The Indigo Children arrived mostly in the 1970s, and they did so in an emphatic way. Luna & Sol Pty Ltd 2012 - 2023 LonerWolf.com. Finally, two years ago, she said You can do no more. Six months later, some indigo and aqua had crept in. It is common for the indigo child to be misdiagnosed with behavioral issues such as ADD, ADHD, and other mood disorders. There are also crystal children, named for their supposedly crystal-colored (and conveniently invisible to the human eye) auras but this concept, even more than that of indigo children, appears to be a reaction against diagnoses of autism. They both think Im just a silly kook And Im good with that. While there is no evidence to support the claim that Indigo children are real, many people believe that they are. While indigo children are highly intelligent, the way their mind works doesnt conform to traditional ways of thinking. His standardized tests were always in the 95 percentile and he read extensively. Take our free Indigo Child Test to discover your unique percentage score! Im a beta (69). Unless science can prove the objective existence of personality-based auras, its going to be very hard for anybody to provide a rational defense of the entire concept of indigo children.. Indigo Children Traits: 13 Signs You're an Indigo Child | Gaia Are you an indigo child? They said Im boring, little did they know that even to me they are boring , All of the traits are there..I am born in 52 and am 70. Things started to make sense for me, this was not suited for me. Growing up, you might have been told you were naughty, disobedient, headstrong, unyielding, etc. And most importantly of all isnt this all just some pseudoscientific hokum designed to make ableist parents deny or feel better about their childrens neurological disorders? Dearest Alexa, always be sure of your intuitions. This generation won't, unless we drug them into submission with Ritalin.. There are no studies.. This pattern has singularly unique factors that . Yow will also learn how best to use your gifts and what pitfalls to avoid on your journey. You may get confused between the Crystal and Indigo child. I am also constantly happy. This pattern has common yet unique factors that demand that parents and teachers change their treatment and upbringing of them in order to achieve balance. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. Indigo children are a special group of human beings that are incredibly gifted. 17 Signs You're What's Known As An 'Indigo Child' - Thought Catalog Only The Right Love can change this planet into a better place to live. Im Alpha Indigo born 1960, Scandinavia, Europe. We guide spiritual seekers undergoing an awakening to walk the path less travelled, practice inner soul work, and rediscover their interconnected True Nature in the present moment. My mind and soul feel so much more centered and I have alot less stress than I had before and it is quite scary now because as I get more conscious I start to realise more of the pain in peoples heart/soul. They are often labeled (and misdiagnosed) as having ADD or ADHD because they won't comply with established rules and patterns; and they may exhibit behavioral problems at home and at school. With so many signature traits, it seems like it would be no trouble at all to figure out if you or your little one were one of these extra-evolved humans. They are defined by their powerful drive to change the world. I have a delta son (92) and an omega son (01). When you are around others, you can immediately tell when someone is lying or hiding something. Aletheia is a prolific psychospiritual writer, author, educator, and guide whose work has touched the lives of millions worldwide. I was also that child that corrected teachers when they gave incorrect information on a topic to the class and proved it without a shadow of a doubt with producing factual information ect. To think so narrowly shows your prejudice towards those who are not as young as you. that allow them to have creative outlets. Hi. This period is full of different problems and various difficult challenges. Indigo Children were the warriors born primarily in the 1970s who began to prepare society for the shifting energies. Also referred to as a crystal or star child, an indigo child is a person who has come into this world destined to create change and spiritually awaken humanity. While this is a good trait to have as an indigo child, it is also important to take care and not put too much pressure on yourself or others around you. As an indigo child, you are drawn towards truth in its purest form not diluted by dogma or fundamentalist teachings. One of the New Age theorists is Ms. Nancy Ann Tappe, who worked on the Indigo generations in an almost scientific manner and divided them intofive categories according to the date of birth of these children. This isnt to say you think highly of yourself or like you are going to be an important historical figure, just that you have a sense of duty and purpose in this life. Youve never been quite normal. Indigos often feel like outsiders growing up because their openness and empathy set them apart from how others feel, think, and act. Thats another big criticism leveled at those who promote the indigo child concept: the so-called indigo characteristics are so broad, and so generalizable, as to apply to just about anybody. Indigo children are concerned with making life meaningful. The colors of their aura areblue green purple, but no longer the color of the metal shield. Find Out if You Are Indigo, Crystal or Rainbow Child In a previous article, Indigo children of the new Millennium, we spoke about the main characteristics and abilities of the Indigo children and adults. Its like you are born tobe misunderstood and you find it difficult to follow others for no proper reasons. With this improved diagnosis and treatment came a slew of panicky commentary, disturbed by what people saw as the overmedicalization of society. When I realized its importance my spiritual growth was easier. I have always been a game changer and have always found more efficient ways to do things while training other people 8n ways that they could understand in a language they get. To you, spirituality is falling in love with the message, and religion is loving the messenger. They are natural "system busters" with a non-responsiveness to controlling and/or authority figures, a feeling of natural superiority, and an innate love for nature, plants, and animals. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases, this means whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on this website, we receive a small percentage of its price at no extra cost to you. I first read about indigos probably a decade ago and it helped me realize why I always felt the way I did and is helping me grow into who I really am which is an ongoing process Im still learning. Heavy, right? You want to offer better, wiser, and healthier ways to live life, making you destined to be a spiritual elder. While I was on the other side I woke up as a divine being. Existential anxiety and depression go far beyond usual anxiety and depression, and this is because it is more concerned with life itself than the self. Take our free Indigo Child Test to discover your unique percentage score! I always felt I knew many things better than adults, and therefore could not stand any authority; I was rebellious and a-social (until I met like-natured people in my 20-s). We recognize their continued connection to the land and waters of this beautiful place and acknowledge that they never ceded sovereignty. Your nonconformist brain loves to express itself through art and creativity. Basically, there are three different types of Earth Angels - Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow. Indigo children are considered to be freethinkers with profound insight into the human condition and an ability to see the truth clearly. After all, the indigos are said to possess unique qualities, so maybe its just a metaphor for being a gifted, sensitive, and highly creative individual. We respect all Whadjuk Elders both past and present, and any First Nations people. As spiritually gifted old souls, indigo children find it hard to fit into mainstream society and often become misunderstood, rejected, or misdiagnosed and medicated. Unfortunately, this can sometimes mean that their assertiveness can lead them to be resistant to authority and exhibit disruptive traits. 2. I hope everyone is adjusting as easily as possible and believing in themselves. Indigo children have advanced emotions. They are so attuned to inner-self that every feeling that bubbles to the surface feels more potent than it does for others. To be clear, this isnt one of those things like the hygiene hypothesis, where legitimate (albeit ultimately misguided) scientific thought got warped by overzealous and undereducated parents and media. Since the first of the Indigos were thought to arrive around 1958, many are now in their sixties. Whether it be drawing, dancing, singing, building,painting, writing or crafting, you love creative self-expression. To me these children are the answers to the prayers we all have for peace, Doreen Virtue told the New York Times back in 2006, when the indigo children phenomenon was around the height of its fame. Indigo children are leading edge thinkers. 2. Unfortunately, this may give you the appearance of a loner or rebel. Indigo child traits are certain characteristics that have been observed when studying indigo children. Im 20 but I started my awakening when I was really young. Youve never understood people who can be cold and calculating. I'm just..waiting. Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. What exactly do you want to know? Indigo children are usually aware of the indigo soul mission. As children, many Indigos were diagnosed with ADD or ADHD because they were very active. Other potential traits of indigo children include: Indigo children are here to provoke change in a time where conscious growth is more desperately needed than ever. I hate monotony, wasting time, and selfish people are very annoying. While indigo children are known for being obstinate and rebellious sometimes, it is interesting that quite a number of them are nature lovers. 4. They also tend to enjoy reading and learning more than the kids their own age. There are a number of indigo child traits by which indigo children are identified. I dont know how this works but my awakening I guess you could call it and my aura became strongest in 2016. You always seek the truth and live by it. Routine and stereotypes become a problem for you. Im Only 15 And Know More Than My Teachers And Peers. 1/10 Can you feel the seasons? I realized that my soul had been facing inward, I think for protection from my scary father, and suddenly at age 26 I was facing outward. It is also common for people to criticize the indigo child label as being delusional. If you are a star child, regardless of which category you fall into, star children are known to embody the energy of grace, purity, truth and wisdom. Are you intuitive, headstrong and perceived as strange, antisocial and wise beyond your years? Were you a free and independent thinker, an outsider, sometimes feeling hemmed in by external authority? Indigo Children are beings that have reached a pivotal point or age within their soul journey, and so they've been sent back to Earth with this mission.