Did you just kick mommy? you asked, a bit hesitating, until you felt it again. Usually he greeted you with hugs and kisses, not letting you go before either boys or your bladder protested. "Let's show them." HI there well I made yall some one direction imagines hope you enjoy. "Will you guys please get a damn room?" Louis stopped, turning around to look at your angry figure. You were watching a new interview of your favorite band one direction with your other band members . It wasnt something you didnt want to do, you just couldnt. I love you so damn much Y/N Horan, oh my god, #15 One Direction He finds out you are a Victoria's Secret Model, #16 One Direction (your child has a bad dream), #17 One Direction (how you fall asleep together), #19 He goes out with you for a bet and you find out (harry), #20 What he's like as a boyfriend (harry), #21 The victoria Secret angel rebound (Harry Imagine), #23 One of the boys sees you on your underwear, #24 One Direction ( best song ever fantasies), #25 One Direction (He has an argument with your kid), #30 One Direction ( your kid has a disability ), #32 One Direction ( He sees your baby bump after a long time), #34 One Direction ( your name your kid after something), One Direction ( one of the lad caught you having Sex ), One Direction ( you quote a book and he doesn't get it ), One Direction ( He's Having a dirty dream and you tease him ), One Direction ( he talks to the baby belly ), One Direction ( Someone's kid has a crush on you ), One Direction ( He feels the baby kick for the first time ), One Direction ( He's insecure about his size ), One Direction ( He's confused by your lady products ), One Direction ( He doesn't know you're pregnant and you fight ), One Direction ( you kid has a crush on someone older ), One Direction ( your kid uses a curse word ), One Direction ( your kid gets lost while grocery shopping with him ), One Direction ( Name for a "little him" * hint hint * ), One Direction ( you're pregnant and someone hurts you ( physically )), One Direction ( you see him naked for the first time ), One Direction ( his thoughts during sex ), One Direction ( everytime we touch i get this feeling), One Direction ( You'll never love yourself half as much as i love you ..), One direction ( Managment makes you choose between him and your baby ), One Direction ( How does he give a damn about me? 2: You get into an argument and try to leave but he wont let you. He looked at you, clearly hurt. One Direction Imagine: Hotel Room with Zayn What will we sing next? A and E Preferences He looks from you to Liam, then back to you. Now say sorry." "Fine". "You jinxed it!" Harrys face fell, making your heart ache. This is quite exciting, he smirked when the kicking stopped for a while, making him wait a little,I could do this all day. His hands stroked the spot where his sons tiny feet kicked once again, making his grin grow wider, Hes gonna be a footballer, little Tommos gonna be a footballer, just like daddy., Harry:You giggled, nuzzling your head deeper to Harrys neck. doesn't kiss you a lot in public (not a big fan of PDA), but when he kisses you at home it's intense. He bits your bottom . You didnt like the fact he smoke, but whenever he was away, you missed the smell of him. Morning babe, he cheered innocently, pecking your lips. The minute you heard his angelic laugh, a kick shoot through your body, making Harrys eyes grow wide. But I wanna go with ya princess, he whined like a small kid, making you bite your lip so you wouldnt yell him. "Zayn seriously, you can't just leave your dishes to the counter!" You yelled at frustration, trying to fight back tears what were forming in your eyes. He raised your shirt off your body and you were quick to pull his of too. That was all he was, a friend of your brother. He lied on his stomach, other hand under the pillow, other over your bare stomach. You stroked his scalp, smiling to the perfect sight. Harry smirks at you." I hope youre gonna have your mommys pretty eyes and her perfect voice, he cooed, hands gliding down to stroke every inch of the swollen skin. Liam's eyes grow wide and he nods quickly, because he knows what is about to happen. The house was empty; Louis was at rehearsals, leaving you alone with your baby bump. Shit, you muttered to yourself, leaving the car, walking to Louis doorstep, knocking lightly. historical kisses, unforgettable night satelarry Summary: Harry has a thing for pregnancy. He nodded, biting his lip before reaching down to kiss you few times before letting you sit up, so you both could start a new day together. I dont get why you wont come if its such a big deal, Louis murmured under his breath, putting Vans to a plastic bag before throwing them to his suitcase. one direction imagines he kisses your belly. Imagine you're dating one of the boys of 1D. I know the boys would never do this to anyone ever but you guys might have a favourite so i will write for all of them. your brother ordered and flopped on the couch beside you, nudging your shoulder. We are already in bed, he whispered with low voice, keeping his arms around you when you kissed the swallows gently. Slowly, careful not to scare him, you took your phone, dialing Lous number. A/N: Hey guys this one made me cry so much. He tilted his head a little more to the right to deepen the kiss. beauty and the beast live action. I said no, you snapped, turning away to his touch, staring the wall annoyed. Only two weeks and Ill be there again, Liam:You smiled, looking at Liam who was unpacking his suitcase slowly. BTS imagines bts scenarios bts . He gives you a slow, sweet kiss, and you melt into his arms. You . Harry: He claps his hand over your mouth, frowning. The scene of him loving on the both of you in such a quite, soft way was totally and completely worth the warmth of his hands on your stomach. You start a mini lap dance, which then leads to you grinding you hips into his, which then leads to a full-blown make out session. You sat in front of Louis flat, knowing that Harry had been there few days after a huge argument you had. One Direction Imagine ;) - One Direction ( He doesn't know you're "Hi" he said. You lifted his harms lightly, turning yourself around to face him. Ant with that he turns and follows the boys onto the plane. I already know it." iphone mail sortieren nach absender. You say yes and you two hug forever, but then Niall kisses you on the lips. One Direction .xx Preference #14: You are in a Band, and he is a Fan ebay briefmarken deutschland vor 1945. one direction imagines he kisses your belly . The door was open, revealing your still sleeping boyfriend. "Oh my god, Its real!". "Please come. Imagine You & Me. You both like to keep it that way, so you have agreed to keep what you do in your spare time, your little secret. one direction imagines he kisses your belly, write five things you do with your grandparents, how to set up bounce back email in outlook, knowledge management system for marketing, latest earthquake near rome, metropolitan city of rome. Lets not fight again, okay? TV was on, some cartoons coming at the early hours of evening. Yare gona be true Irish lad, yeh? - He asks.-No But I wish I could - You said while he picks your guitar.-I can teach you babe. He pulls up your t-shirt, tugging it so your gently . "Wow..". He knew, I knew it. What? We will post outfits preferences imagines and one shots here. You let out a deep sigh and look back to the boys. Is he still kicking? I swear to god, Louis Tomlinson, youll dry the sheets if you wet them, you said lazily, making Louis froze, before a huge grin appeared to his face, making you open your eyes. Your small family was forming right in front of your eyes. You loved it. Liam, honey, you can do that later, please come to the bed with me, you pleaded, watching his muscular back. Liam was kissing you, and the fossil meant nothing now. You had found out that you were pregnant and it was freaking you out a bit. White eyelids closed and lips in a small smile. After placing their orders, Louis and Harry are quick to snag a couple tables for everyone to sit at. Simple, I love you. left your lips when he reached your ankles, kissing the raised ankle bones softly, like he was caressing the moment. He kisses your forehead lightly before letting go of your hands and taking his seat once more. You snuggle up to him, and spend the next four hours talking about memories, and future. He may even blow what are commonly called 'raspberry kisses' into your belly. Minutes pasted, but your baby stayed still, not wanting to move anymore. 4: He says I love you for the first time. He loves the fact that omegas are able to create and bring life to the world, even as fucked up as it is. Louis: Lazily opening his eyes on a Sunday morning, Louis sighs gently, so incredibly grateful that he doesn't have to drag himself downtown for work and can just stay in bed with you instead. I can get you any job you want. Before your pregnancy nothing could wake Zayn up, but since he heard about the little girl inside you, he was awake and next to you after every wince. Niall was on the couch, doing something on his IPhone. "Um excuse me" you heard from behind you, and you broke your kiss. You see tears well up in his eyes as he pulls you close to him. [imagine REQUEST] he notices your pregnancy - 1directiondreams A small smile appeared to your face when you looked the room around you, finding your clothes in piles where you had threw them last night, Nialls still unpacked suitcases on the floor, passport on the table. Different Types Of Kisses - Luvze One Direction ( he talks to the baby belly ) 78.4K 561 20 by 0hitsmyharold Zayn: You lied on the couch, feet propped up to Zayn's lap when he rubbed them in comfortable silence. This may be because he is trying to make you wiggle and laugh. The tv was on pause, both of your hands frozen to your belly, waiting. "So how was your day?" you asked. "Leave your sister alone!" your mom scolded, "And get your lazy ass in the kitchen and help me peel the potatoes!". Daddy loves you more than anything in the world. Im sorry, you whispered, making him chuckle, Me too, yare not borin at all, I just got angryWhy dont you come with me? Not letting you go, he protested playfully, tangling your feet with his, letting you no chance to escape. It was your time, to admire him, without making him uncomfortable. I cant wait to see ye and teach ye to play guitar and sing. - He said and smile for you.-Really? Theres a baby in you Y/N, he beamed, grin on his face when he let his hands admire the bump. "I'll be there whenever I can. You pulled your sleeves down but not before his face fell and you knew he noticed. It is perfect. His lips brushed your bare skin with a kiss, face hovering close as he smiled, then repeated the process-- lips gentle and slow. I just dont want to flight to another country and spend days in a small tour bus with four other guys! you screamed, tears in your eyes. You look over into Liam's brown eyes, and can see that they are annoying him too. He bends down and kisses you long and hard. You say as you both ran into the tent and sat there in silence until lightening struck. Harry, laugh, you said, after thinking few minutes. You and the other girlfriends are there to bid them farewell. He reaches down to kiss you on the forehead. One day you call Niall and plan a day to see him again. Get your lazy ass in your room and let me and Liam play some video games!" 1D Imagines ''Hi future daddy!'' The tv was on pause, both of your hands frozen to your belly, waiting. What is the matter with you? You let out a small teary laugh, nodding to your amazed husband. He loves the fact that you want to eat all the time because it gives him and excuse to get Nandos all the time. He was curled in to a tiny ball, knees on his chest when he breathed heavily. Note: [request] Niall: You glance down at your phone on the side when it lets out a message tone, smiling when you see Niall's name come up on the screen. I said nothings wrong, get the fuck out, he yelled, making you flinch. #1: Getting caught in the act (One Direction Preferences) Liam: It had been over 3 months since you've seen your boyfriend Liam so you were extremely excited about seeing him again. A weak smell of cigars and his favorite cologne filled your nose, making you smile against his warm chest. If any of you want a request just put it in the first page of comments. And for your information, I just had a great day and you ruined it. [imagine REQUEST] you're broken up and he's - 1directiondreams HI there well I made yall some one direction imagines hope you enjoy. It has been fun, but extremely exhausting, so you are happy for the travel day. This company will never again asks someone as young as me to fill this position." You got there early so you decided to make yourself look more presentable. grundstck kaufen niedersachsen; gyros schwangerschaft; resident evil 7 end of zoe extrem herausforderung; weisheiten steve jobs; dispersionsfarbe oder silikatfarbe; schneeball gebck aus biskuit; 79th infantry division after action reports; if blank has a million . We need to talk, you choked out, making him nod, looking at you with his green eyes. Liam said as he planted kisses all over you. - You smile - That sounds amazing! Yeah, I had no idea that carrying a tiny baby would be this hard, I mean shes like size of my fist but it hurts so bad, you explained, sighing every time he pressed the right spot, making you smile at your adorable husband. A few minutes later Luke came back, carrying a variety of delivery menus and a warm towel. He gripped my thighs and pulled me closer to him and slowly slipped his hands under my shirt, feeling the soft skin of my belly . Harry noticed you first, smiling sleepily before nudging Niall who turned his head to see you, huge smile spreading to his face. He pulls back to respond. He leans too, obviously dreading this as much as you. He wanted to feel you and know that you were still there after every argument and all the difficulties you had. Were having a baby! A BABY Y/N! Note: [request] Niall: "- I just don't know what's gotten into (Y/N)," you freeze with your hand on the door handle as you hear Niall say your name. posted by randomgirl3000. 1D Imagines. I miss you too kitten, he sighed lowly, making your heart break slowly. You turn on the PlayStation, he starts looking around your room, and then he finds your guitar.-Hey, babe You play guitar? When did ya became so borin? he asked, accent thick and eyes cold, before he left the room, leaving you stare the wall. His arms were your weakness, they gave you comfort and treated you well. All of their mouths are hanging open. Louis stared at you for a moment before straddling you gently to the bed, happy tears on his eyes. It was supposed to be a normal check up. I know, you smiled, thinking how perfect your baby would be, you knew it already. Ye ready? He took a deep breath, kissing your belly before starting to sing with his soft voice Come all ye maidens young and fair, and you that are blooming in your prime, always beware and keep your garden fair,let no man steal away your thyme, for thyme it is a precious thing. Throughout the first half hour, he nibbles your ear, and tickles you soft spot, and tugs at your shirt. 04) He gets teased about you best1dimagines harry styles harry styles imagine one direction one direction imagine 1d 1d imagine imagine up all night Harry Styles birthday imagine You and Harry have been dating for a year, and it's been the most amazing year of your life Jul 12, 2014 - I'm a Harry girl Harry's heart pounds in his chest as he.